Messages to Meera

Sanjana Ganesh
3 min readFeb 28, 2024


Meeram and I.

Snippets of texts to my best friend through this month that is February of desire, feelings, and 'let me in’s.

February 27, 2023

Saw the most attractive man standing in line before me at the Dubai airport. He was checking in his luggage. His tattoos, seared through his skin, popped out like art. Some Arabic letters on his hand, a poem on his sculpted shoulder. He had a gold chain and shortly cropped hair. He was a sight. It was nice to see. Am I sounding creepy?

February 25, 2023

I’m feeling an overbearing sense of being completely empty and alone. As much as I’d like to write this thought and leave it in a diary. It feels important to be heard and so I write to you.

I hope your tank is a little more full than mine today.

February 20, 2023

Are we still on for karaoke?

February 18, 2023

Learning of the loss of a relationship is deeply alienating. It makes us feel more isolated than the general hankering of daily loneliness. If you have no choice now, take sunshine from whoever has it and is willing to part. Soon, it will pass and you will make your own.

February 16, 2023

Feeling incredibly ugly because of all the acne. Today is the day of feeling sorry for myself. I hate it.

February 14, 2023

Happy V day, my love.

Open the door.

February 10, 2023

No bigger adrenaline rush than jumping into the metro train as doors close. Feeling like Bond. James Bond. I’d like my Martini stirred though, please. Like a civilian.

February 9, 2023

I'm in your Besant Nagar house, sister. Tulika let me in. When are you coming? I'm sitting in your balcony reading.

February 8, 2023

520960. That’s the OTP + I think you might like this song. Deep in it by berlioz, Ted Jasper.

February 5, 2023

Is this a good look? Can you tell me if I should do something to my hair?

February 3, 2023

I’m sorry for assuming, Meeram and am glad to see this renewed sense of positivity with your relationship.

Depression is a big word and I know that you’re not one to use it loosely. I’m sorry this is all feeling so daunting. Especially on the work front. Do you want to discuss some ways which will help. Or would you rather like to talk a little more about it?

February 1, 2023

Good evening, the beers have helped. This chat box has kept me sane through that odd social meeting. Thank you. When are we meeting next?



Sanjana Ganesh
Sanjana Ganesh

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